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The health aspect of the CESC proposes a course of health education for all students, according to their ages, throughout their schooling.

Academic Path for Health



This aims to lead each student to acquire the fundamental values which are the building blocks of citizenship, from primary school through to the 12th year. It is built on the pillars of moral and civic education, education about media and information, critical thinking, discussion and debate.  The Citizenship path can be the subject of an oral exam in the 9th year.


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In our School Plan, the development of a tool called Scholastic Agenda 21 was planned, the purpose of which is to sensitise and educate our students about the protection of the environment, thus contributing to a sustainable development.  This initiative, in which representatives of the entire school community are involved, should lead us to a response which will allow us to become an ecologically responsible school. 

Our planet suffers from global warming, biodiversity is depleted, commerce is not fair, our trash bins are full of packaging from the products we buy, pesticides are present in the food we consume, water is becoming scarce and is becoming daily more precious... Our consumer society suffers... 
Today’s young people are tomorrow’s adults:  they will take decisions, make their choices about consumption, guide political decisions... We adults have to learn right away with them, to review our way of “consuming” the planet, as “we do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” (Saint Exupéry).

Because it is urgent to act, both individually and collectively, we have decided to implement Agenda 21 in our school.  What is it? At the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 a program of activities was established for the 21st Century, called Agenda 21.  Subsequently it was disseminated to local authorities, through local agendas, with regard to implementing it most effectively (little streams make great rivers).

Thus, in the face of these commitments for the planet, we also are trying, on our scale, to create a program of activities which could contribute to changing the mentality.  Our school decided to create an Eco-School Committe with the intention of obtaining from the ABAE (Blue Flag Association of Europe) the certification as an Eco-School.

Within the scope of this initiative, it is important to enlist the entire school community (students, teachers, staff, parents).  We ask, therefore, your cooperation for our project to be a success. 



Through an initiative of the representatives of the parents of primary school children, as well as those of the students of CVL, the LFIP regularly develops solidarity activities with the objective of helping institutions of social solidarity (or their school, helping to provide certain necessities).

The children will be invited to:

  • bring donations (which could be hygiene products, food, books, etc. according to what we have requested);
  • to actively participate in planned activities:  Solidarity Run, Christmas Market, Concert of the private schools of Porto, distribution of dinners in charity associations...

The advantages of these initiatives are:

  • Developing the sense of responsibility in the students;
  • The development of their self-esteem and general motivation.

The education for citizenship, with the greatest interaction between the entire school community, turns the school into a happier and more cooperative place.

We appreciate the cooperation of everyone going forward.