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Internal Regulation

These regulations are governed by the general principles of French and Portuguese law.  They convey these inherent values:

  • Secularity and political, idealogical and religious neutrality;
  • A duty of tolerance and respect for others and for their convictions;
  • Mutual respect and confidence;
  • Respect for material resources and spaces;
  • Rejection of any form of violence, be it psychological, verbal, moral or physical;
  • Work, thoroughness and punctuality;
  • Contribution to the equality of opportunity and treatment between boys and girls.

All the adults of the school have as their mission to educate and to ensure that the regulations are understood and respected.

Enrolment in the school implies, on the part of the students and their families, acceptance and respect for these internal regulations, which are applicable in the context of any and all curricular or extracurricular activities organised by the Lycée Français International de Porto.

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