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Overview of the Maternelle

Overview of the Maternelle


Teachers of French 9
Teachers of Portuguese 4

Cycle of Early Learning (Cycle 1)

The Pre-School, where the child educates himself, is organised around five fields of activity:

1 - Language at the centre of learning, the child as apprentice speaker
  • Allow each child to participate in verbal exchanges, in real communication situations.
  • Coach the young child in his or her first language learning: language in context.
  • Teach the child to use language to evoke events in his absence: events past, future, imaginary.
2 - Living in society
  • Carry out his or her function in an activity, adopting an individual behaviour which takes into account the obligations of communal life.
  • Identify and understand the functions of the different adults at the school.
  • Respect the rules of life in a community (respect for others, for material resources, for the rules of education...) and put into practice, relative to his or her colleagues, the principles of communal life (listening, mutual help, initiative...)
3 - Move and express him or her self with the body
  • Carry out an action which he or she is able to measure.
  • Adapt his or her movements to different kinds of environment.
  • Cooperate and oppose individually or collectively.
  • Carry out actions with an artistic, aesthetic or expressive intention.
4 - Discovering the world: the child trains him or her self to think, experiments and tries to comprehend
  • Exercise his or her curiousity, discovering those phenomena which characterize life, matter, or even man-made objects.
  • Order events in time sequence and structure the spaces which he or she explores.  Distinguish between the physical world and living world based on experiences.
  • Discover with other eyes the world which surrounds him or her, and continue to learn to speak, to name with precision objects and their qualities, actions and their characteristics.
  • Discover that drawings can represent, with precision, what he or she observes and share the information which he or she has drawn.
5 - Develop sensitivity, imagination and creativity
  • At the age at which receptive intelligence plays a central role, creative activities and artistic practices should be particularly developed.
  • The child develops modes of expression which involve the body, the eyes and the gesture.
  • The Pre-School offers an environment which is open to artistic investigations and cultural references.
  • The children are open to different sensibilities and lay the foundations of a common culture.
  • In their actions, an important part is left to spontaneity and imagination.